What is...Political Marxism?

Show notes

Political Marxists have produced a variety of compelling contributions in several disciplines, not least in IR. In this episode, Dr Maïa Pal (Brookes University), who is in conversation with Judith Koch (University of Sussex), discusses the foundations of Political Marxism, the advantages of its radical historicist method, as well as its main critiques. Dr Pal's work engages with the relationship between capitalism and law, emphasizing jurisdiction as a key concept of international order. Tune in for a deep dive into Political Marxism and its continuing relevance for the analysis of large-scale societal and (geo)political transformations.

Dr Maïa Pal

Pal, Maïa (2020): Jurisdictional Accumulation. An Early Modern History of Law, Empires, and Capital. Cambridge University Press.

Pal, Maïa (2021): Radical Historicism or Rules of Reproduction? New Debates in Political Marxism. An Introduction to the Symposium on Knafo and Teschke. In: Historical Materialism 29 (3).

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