What is...Women's International Thought?

Show notes

Where are the women in international thought? Why have they been excluded from the discipline of IR, and where does this neglect of female scholars come from? In their Leverhulme Project on 'Women and the History of International Thought', Patricia Owens, Katharina Rietzler and Kimberly Hutchings recover the contributions of 'historical women'. In this episode, host Vineet Thakur (University of Leiden) interviews Patricia Owens (University of Oxford) who discusses the absented presence of women's IR history and thinking.

Patricia Owens

Owens, P.; Rietzler, K.; Hutchings, K. and Dunstan, S. C. (2022): Women's International Thought: Towards a New Canon. Cambridge University Press.

Leverhulme Project on Women and the History of International Thought

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