What is...Memory Studies in IR?

Show notes

What does it mean to remember in IR? How does collective memory shape global politics, including inter-state relations, foreign policy formation, security, and peacebuilding? Furthermore, what does the erasure of collective memory mean for international (and domestic) politics? Tune in to this episode with Maria Mälksoo (University of Copenhagen), who alerts us to the instrumentalization of remembrance, and to the politics at play in acts of commemoration.

Maria Mälksoo

Mälksoo, Maria (2021): Militant memocracy in International Relations: Mnemonical status anxiety and memory laws in Eastern Europe. In: Review of International Studies, 47 (4), pp. 489 - 507.

Mälksoo, Maria (edt.) (2023): Handbook on the Politics of Memory. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

ERC Consolidator Grant

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