What is... Geopolitical Theory?
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In the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, geopolitics has assumed greater salience in both public discourse as well as academic discussions. Theoretically, geopolitics is considered integral to Realism in IR. It refers to a particular form of Realism which centers the role of geography and technology in the making of state preferences. Continuing the discussion from our previous episode on realism, our interview guest Stefano Guzzini, Professor at Uppsala University and PUC-Rio de Janeiro and Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, delineates how geopolitics is very specifically 'the militaristic gaze of Realism. To learn more about Geopolitical Theory, tune in to the second part of Vineet Thakur's (Leiden University) conversation with Stefano Guzzini.
Guzzini, Stefano (2012): The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Cambridge University Press.
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